Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are located in the BSNB bank plaza at 3060 RT9N, Greenfield center, NY 12833

Do you do piercings?

We do not do piercings at Parasol. We encourage you to contact Krista at Limbo Tattoo or Brian at Battlefield tattoo. Both are located in Saratoga and both are very talented piercers.

Do you tattoo minors?

We can NOT tattoo anyone under the age of 18.

Do you accept walk-ins?

We do not. We are an appointment only studio. As much as we would love to accommodate walk ins, our artists are booked several weeks to several months in advance.

How do I schedule an appointment?

You may email the shop by filling out the contact form on our website. Or email the respective artist you would like to work with and they will guide you through the appointment and deposit process. All artists contact info is located in there respective artist portfolios located in the artist section of the website. We do not take appointments over the phone.

I’ve submitted my tattoo request form, what happens next?

The artist will then review the requests that they receive and determine which projects they are interested/ able to take on. Due to the large number of requests that our artists receive, we are unable to take on every project that is requested. In order to continue the growth and evolution of our art, we are looking for project inquiries that spark immediate interest and inspiration.(please refer to artists profiles to determine what styles they prefer to work in) If your requested artist is able to take on your project, you will receive an email reply. 

Is there a way to increase my chances of getting tattooed by a specific artist at Parasol?

Yes. Check your prefered artist profile for the styles of tattooing they prefer to work in, if your idea matches up with that, then your chances of getting in with that artist are much better. Your artist is more likely to take on a project with fewer restrictions on design and body placement than a project that has very set-in-stone parameters. Bringing a great general idea will get you noticed more quickly than an inquiry with lots of specifics and things that must be done a certain way.

What if my prefered artist chooses not to take on my project

Due to time constraints and the overwhelming number of requests we receive, it is possible that your prefered artist may be unable to take on your project. However, if your artist  thinks a project may be suitable for one of there coworkers or another tattoo artist they know, they may respond to your email with a referral to another artist. 

What if I can't make it to my appointment

DEPOSITS ARE NON REFUNDABLE, however as long as you give 72 hours notice, they are transferable to a future appointment. If something comes up, call us as soon as possible. Any cancellations with less notice than 72 hours will forfeit their deposit.

Is it safe to get a tattoo?

Yes!! All artists at Parasol Tattoo Company complete a yearly OSHA certified sterilization and blood borne pathogens course. Within the shop we utilize hospital grade sterilization throughout the entire process and only disposable needles are used which eliminates the former process of sterilizing and re-using tools and equipment. Parasol Tattoo Company employs this fully disposable process to ensure your safety, as well as the safety of the employees and visitors.

Are there any health conditions or concerns that may prevent me from being tattooed?

The following conditions may increase health risks associated with receiving body art: diabetes, hemophilia, skin diseases, lesions, or skin sensitivities to soaps, disinfectants etc.; a history of allergies or adverse reactions to pigments, dyes, or other sensitivities; a history of epilepsy, seizures, fainting, or narcolepsy; the use of medications such as anticoagulants, (such as coumadin) which thin the blood and/or interfere with blood clotting; and hepatitis or HIV infection. Please consult a health care professional if you have any concerns or questions about pre-existing conditions or medications.

How much does a tattoo cost?

The shop rate is $150-$200 an hour depending on the artist your working with, and we have a $150 minimum( this pricing may vary between artists) Tattoo pricing varies based on size and artist, so the best way to put together a quote is to email the artist and schedule a one on one consultation appointment. At the consultation the artist will listen to your ideas, discuss size, style, placement etc. and be able to give you a more accurate estimate on your tattoo.

Can you tell me a price over the phone?

We cannot quote prices over the phone, it’s just too difficult to be able to ensure accurate quotes until we have the chance to see the piece and placement.

What do I need to do to prepare for my tattoo?

Make sure you get a good night of sleep before you get tattooed, and eat a good meal before you come in. Getting tattooed while sleep deprived, hung over or hungry is not a great idea. Comfortable clothes are a plus! Make sure you wear clothes that leave the area you're getting tattooed easily accessible. There's also a chance some ink may get on your clothing so don't pick anything you're overly attached to.

What should I bring with me?

Mostly importantly A GOVERNMENT ISSUED VALID ID. Licenses, State ID's, Passports, and Military ID's are all good. Paper ID's are not a valid form of identification. No exceptions. The second most important thing, a method of payment. We are a cash only shop. No personal checks. We also recommend you bring things to keep you busy, happy and distracted. Laptops, Nooks, iPods, iPads, books, etc are great ideas. Lastly, if you're sitting for a long session, snacks are good to have handy. There are plenty of local restaurants that deliver, but it's good to have something to quickly eat.

Does a tattoo hurt?

Yes, there is pain involved with the tattoo process. The pain is only temporary & far from unbearable. We recommend eating before coming in for your tattoo. A little bit of carbohydrates will help.

Do you have numbing cream?

No, your tattoo will not be painful enough to warrant the use of such products.

Can I bring my own image?

Yes, we love to see your ideas as reference. We understand not everyone is an artist, but any help you can offer us to get the ideas out of your head & on to paper would be amazing.

Will I see my drawing before the appointment?

We  do not send out drawings to clients prior to the appointment. All drawings are done for the day of the appointment or drawn directly onto the skin. This does require a lot of trust which is extremely appreciated!

Can you fix my old tattoo?

We will certainly try. Some older tattoos are fixable. Some are not. Reach out to us thru email with a well lit clear picture of your current tattoo, along with any info pertaining to what you’d like to do with it. We will be happy to help guide you and figure out what the best options moving forward would be.

Can you cover up an old tattoo?

Sometimes. There are many factors involved with covering an existing tattoo. If this is something your looking to do, please send a clear well lit picture of the existing tattoo, along with any referance images or ideas you have for the cover up to the artist you’d like to work with. They can then discuss the best course of action for that particular project.

Can you fix another artist’s work?

Sometimes. There are many factors involved with fixing/reworking someone else’s artwork. If this is something your looking to do, please send a clear well lit picture of the existing tattoo to the artist you’d like to work with. They can then discuss the best course of action for that particular project.

Will my tattoo fade?

Maybe. We give you all the proper knowledge on how to prevent fading. If you follow our directions, it will minimize wear & tear to prevent this from happening. A proper sunblock should always be placed over a tattoo when exposed to the sun.